Peninsula Bottling’s Early Success with paylink Digital Payments Reveals Opportunity for Significant Labor Savings

Pepsi distributor, Peninsula Bottling, wins early with paylink, saving time for sales and accounting employees by enabling integrated digital payment options for their customers.

March 16, 2023

INDUSTRY: Distributor   PRIMARY BEVERAGE: Pepsi Products 

Peninsula Bottling is a family-owned Pepsi distributor who has been serving Jefferson and Clallam counties near Port Angeles, WA since 1955. They’ve been on Encompass for 5 years and began using paylink in 2022.

What is paylink?

paylink is an easy-to-use payment processing tool that helps you advance operational savings, eliminate manual AR reconciliation, maximize delivery efficiency, and get paid faster. paylink users have seen huge reductions in outstanding AR and impressive adoption rates among retail customers.

Peninsula Bottling seeks payment alternatives to save time chasing payments

Peninsula Bottling is no stranger to the issues that can be solved with digital payments. In fact, they implemented a digital payment solution once before to help alleviate issues like:

  • Time and human power spent collecting outstanding payments

  • Time spent manually reconciling payments

  • On-hold orders caused by past-due payments

  • Inefficiencies and risks associated with transporting cash and checks

The first solution they tried was useful at the beginning, but they quickly discovered that without a digital payment tool that integrated with the rest of their system, the manual work required of their retailers prevented successful adoption.

We implemented one other product but it never really caught on because it required a lot of work on the customer's end. They had to go in and create their accounts every time they wanted to pay an invoice. We needed something we could  get set up and with minimal work for everybody.

Kate Laskowski

Office Manager, Peninsula Bottling

Peninsula Bottling needed an integrated solution with the potential to create efficiencies and simplify the payment process. paylink provided them with an opportunity to leverage a payment processing tool seamlessly integrated with their Encompass Cloud ERP.

Peninsula Bottling’s rollout of paylink was easy,  provided immediate relief, and inspired plans for the future

Peninsula Bottling decided to roll out paylink to some of their more challenging customers first. Those accounts were set up with paylink’s automated payment option to ensure consistent, on-time payments.

We initially just rolled paylink out to the people who were giving us a little bit of trouble getting payment and offered it to them as a solution that made things easier. It saves them having to have a check ready for us at delivery.

Kate Laskowski

Office Manager, Peninsula Bottling

Mom-and-pop shops quickly realized the benefits of paylink because it reduced the need for them to have cash on hand or write checks upon delivery.

Mom-and-pop shops are sometimes the last ones to adopt new technology. A lot of them would have to leave a check and weren't necessarily comfortable leaving a signed check for an employee to hand to our delivery person. It gives them peace of mind that there isn't a signed check floating around out there.

Kate Laskowski

Office Manager, Peninsula Bottling

paylink alleviated the stress associated with check and cash transportation by their delivery people and ensured orders weren’t paused. It also reduced the time and energy spent collecting payments from mom-and-pop retailers. The immediate impact of paylink inspired future-driven conversations at Peninsula Bottling. They knew that, at scale, paylink could save them significant amounts of time.

Peninsula Bottling saves hours with paylink, and they’re only scratching the surface

Peninsula Bottling saved a lot of time previously spent prodding customers to complete outstanding payments so they could move forward with new orders. 

One of the major benefits is not having to make all those phone calls trying to collect payments. The salesman can just go in and write the orders. It always seemed like it was the same people we were contacting about past-due payments and now we just don't have to. It saves us time and effort.

Kate Laskowski

Office Manager, Peninsula Bottling

With their new, integrated solution, Peninsula Bottling reduced accounting errors and saved time previously spent manually reconciling cash and check payments.

It's a lot less work because, before, someone had to manually process all of the payments. Now it's just an automatic process that happens within Encompass and we don't have to even really think about it from start to finish. It's completely automated.

Kate Laskowski

Office Manager, Peninsula Bottling

Peninsula Bottling has seen a steady uptick in early adoption among their customers with 6% of the total transactions now happening through paylink. As a result, they have already saved a ton of time!


With only 6% of transactions taking place through paylink, the time savings potential for Peninsula Bottling is huge. As they look toward the future, paylink will be an essential tool to help modernize operations.

Peninsula Bottling plans to expand their use of paylink to all of their independent retailers

After only a short time, the powerful changes Peninsula Bottling made across their organization inspired them to expand their use of paylink. 

Honestly, I'd love to see all of our customers move to paylink. It makes things much easier for them and for us, it's safer for our drivers who aren't having to carry around cash or checks when they pick it up. We're definitely going to keep plugging away and get as many of those customers signed up for it as we can.

Kate Laskowski

Office Manager, Peninsula Bottling

Interested in taking advantage of paylink digital payments for your business? Speak with our team today. 

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