Company News
Encompass Technologies Announces New Role, VP of E-Commerce
Encompass is introducing a new role, VP of E-Commerce. This change will allow Encompass to work directly with suppliers and retailers to better connect them with distributors.
February 17, 2020
Encompass Technologies Announces New Role, VP of E-Commerce
Here at Encompass, we work with over 35 industry associations to make sure we’re always staying on top of trends and challenges to support the industry from end to end. More than 600 warehouses, hundreds of suppliers, and over 4,000 retailers across the globe use Encompass cloud-based solutions to empower their business operations, and we take pride in working directly with them to create a network of solutions that benefit the industry as a whole.
The three-tier system was designed with good intentions to promote a fair market while efficiently getting product to the end-user. As the industry evolves and becomes more competitive, it’s imperative the three-tiers work together to further the good of the industry.
Although the fast-moving technology developed in the last 30 years has created significant efficiencies for each tier, it has also created functional gaps between suppliers, distributors, and retailers. In order for the industry to grow and thrive, a common understanding of a shared technological landscape must be established to drive the industry forward. The industry has unified goals, but often fractured execution.
In order to address the challenges at hand, we’ve made a strategic change within our organization by introducing a new role, VP of E-Commerce. This change will allow Encompass to work directly with suppliers and retailers to better connect them with distributors. Through the development of our e-commerce platform, DSDLink, we have created a gateway that solves the industry’s biggest communication challenges.
DSDLink simplifies the beverage ordering process for retailers, allowing them to order from all of their distributors at once, anywhere, anytime, on any device. The platform also funnels distributor information relevant to pricing, promotions, popular products to the DSDLink app, so the retailer can browse new products then communicate their interest and other needs. Suppliers use the platform to suggest the right products to the right retailer and promote their new offerings with advertisements.
Leading the e-commerce efforts at Encompass is Bill Kraich. Throughout his 10 year tenure at Encompass, he has taken on roles as product manager, project manager, and most recently, the VP of Professional Services. Also the leader of our PartnerLink Program, Bill has formed many meaningful relationships within the industry, facilitating collaboration across technology companies, suppliers, retailers, and distributors. “Isolation imposed by legacy technology vendors and supplier fragmentation has hindered the industry's adoption of e-commerce for years. With our heightened focus on e-commerce, that era is over. I am completely thrilled to be leading our efforts to digitally connect the three tiers”, says Kraich.
Watch the video below to see how DSDLink is already connecting the three-tiers.
If you’re interested in learning about Encompass’s e-commerce visit or call (970) 449-8000.
Retailers can access the app using the links below: