DSD Link – The Go-To App for Beverage Ordering

September 25, 2018

E-commerce, online self-ordering, total product discoverability.

E-commerce has spearheaded the online industry while companies like Amazon and Kroger dominate business to consumer interaction. Consumers are accustomed to ordering everything from clothing to dog food to wine online.

So, how does this idea transfer to beverage distributors and retailers?

DSDLink is an e-commerce platform, created by Encompass, that transfers the task of order entry from your sales reps to the retailer and allows the retailer to place orders at their convenience.

Sales reps no longer have to routinely visit retailers to check in and sell new products. In DSDLink, retailers have the freedom to check product availability, see new products, adjust orders when needed, and more.

Check out this video to see DSDLink in action!

Encompass DSDLink is an application available on the App Store and Google Play.Give us a call at (970) 449-8000 to get started!

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